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deep Cleaners

Deep cleaners for stone and concrete surfaces, especially those that have been sealed, play a vital role in maintaining the material's integrity and appearance.

Solutions Sealers cleaners are formulated to tackle tougher, ingrained dirt and stains that daily cleaners or other products might not fully address. They penetrate deeper into the surface, effectively breaking down and lifting heavy soiling, grease, or other stubborn residues. Despite their strength, quality deep cleaners are designed to be safe for use on sealed surfaces, ensuring that the sealer's protective qualities are not compromised.

Regular use of deep cleaners can rejuvenate and refresh the appearance of stone and concrete surfaces, contributing to their longevity and aesthetic appeal, especially in high-traffic or heavily used areas.


D-SCALE is a phosphoric acid cleaner which has been blended with surfactants for a deeper and better clean.


D-GREASE is a concentrated high PH alkaline cleaner which has been blended with surfactants for a deeper and better clean.


MOULD TERMINATOR is an effective product to remove and prevent growth of mould, algae, moss and mildew for up to 2 years.